Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe is the sequel to this book. Chapter 36 – “Sometimes, when it’s too hard, when it hurts too much, only silliness can save us.” How have you used silliness to defuse a situation in the past?ĩ. Yasmany and Gabi both go through some hard moments in this book. Sal and Gabi Break the Universe 2019 Disney Book GroupENGLISH 304 Print Pages ratings (122) borrow by Carlos Hernandez Part 1 of the Sal and Gabiseries How did a raw chicken get inside Yasmanys locker When Sal Vidon meets Gabi Real for the first time, it isnt under the best of circumstances. What is an everyman play and how does Sal and Gabi embrace the theme?Ĩ.

How would you like to have a robot for a parent? What would the pros and cons be?ħ. Upload your PDF on FlipBuilder and create a flip PDF like Sal and Gabi Break the Universe. Sal and Gabi Break the Universe by Carols Hernandez is a juvenile fiction book best for 5-7 graders. Chapter 27 – “The key is to make your best move in the moment…” What do you think this means? How does Sal make his best move in the moment?Ħ. Share and download Sal and Gabi Break the Universe for free. For my Spanish and non-Spanish speakers, how did this effect/change the story for you?ĥ. This book embraces Spanish culture and is written with many Spanish vocabulary and phrases. Listen to a sample Listen to a sample Description Creators Details Reviews Rick Riordan Presents a brilliant sci-fi romp with Cuban influence that poses this question: What would you do if you had the power to reach through time and space and retrieve anything. When Sal Vidón meets Gabi Reál for the first time, it isn’t under the best of circumstances. What do you know about diabetes? Is you or your family affected by diabetes? How does this disease make life harder for Sal?Ĥ. by Carlos Hernandez Anthony Rey Perez Audiobook.

Why is it hard to be the new kid and how might being the new kid at Sal’s school be different than being the new kid at a public school?ģ. Sal has type one diabetes. Sal is the new kid at a creative arts school. What is this book about? What are the main themes?Ģ.