Return of the Jedi by James Kahn
Return of the Jedi by James Kahn

Shaken, the commander commits to redoubling construction efforts. Darth Vader, however, informs the commander that the Emperor ( Ian McDiarmid) will be arriving soon, and that he is most displeased with the commander's progress. Fearing his arrival, the commander of the new Death Star informs Darth Vader ( David Prowse, voice: James Earl Jones) that the station will be operational on schedule, but when Vader challenges this "optimistic" appraisal of the situation, the commander admits that he needs more men to accelerate construction. Near the forest moon of Endor the new Death Star is being constructed in orbit, and a command star destroyer arrives and launches a shuttle with a fighter escort - a shuttle bearing the Dark Lord of the Sith. The opening crawl reveals that Han Solo's friends are engaged in a mission to rescue the smuggler from Jabba the Hutt and that the Galactic Empire is building a new armored space station which is even larger and more powerful than the first Death Star.

Return of the Jedi by James Kahn