I discovered that the female workforce produced nearly 25,000 instruments during the war. The remaining seasoned craftsmen repaired some instruments but, because of their limited numbers and wartime restrictions on the use of raw materials, were unable to construct new musical instruments. The younger members of its workforce had left to serve the military War effort. About John Thomas: Im a law professor, freelance writer, and guitarist still striving for mediocrity. Prior to my discovery of these women, Gibson had claimed in Wartime advertisements and in a 1973 company history authored by its WWII personnel director that it ceased producing guitars during the War.

The book revolves around the interviews of a dozen women who appeared in the Gibson Guitar Company’s 1944 workforce photograph. Kalamazoo Gals: A Story of Extraordinary Women & Gibson’s ‘Banner’ Guitars of WWII by John Thomas is a book that came out in 2013. Not just guns, aircraft and cars, guitars as well. But it was pricey Here i am with a beautiful gal and amazing player. John sheds light on some of his current guitar projects, including his recent trip to Kalamazoo, Michigan to visit the former Gibson factory now partially occupied by Heritage and about to become a.

I have never thought about before but of course everything was built by women during the war. One of the best(if not the best sounding of all)was the Fairbanks Kalamazoo Gals SJ. We hear about the aftermath of his famed 2012 book, Kalamazoo Gals: A Story of Extraordinary Women & Gibson’s Banner Guitars of WWII.