An Inconvenient Wife by Katy Madison
An Inconvenient Wife by Katy Madison

An Inconvenient Wife by Katy Madison

♔ / ☼ An Inconvenient Wife by Katy Madison // Adult ⋆ Contemporary.(Yes, I made this a separate section because I’m sure some people will be looking for Ice Dancing ones after VirtueMoir’s Moulin Rouge skate) Heroine headed for Olympic curling gold needs to keep her focus off of the curling official, who she has a past with, and keep her eyes on the prize. Willa’s Coach by Patrizia Murray // Adult ⋆ Contemporary.The man in the apartment down the hall from him is apart of the curling team. As the Winter Olympics approaches, a reporter is sent to interview athletes and attempt to play their sports. △ The Magic Broom by Teegan Loy // Adult ⋆ Contemporary.Skater, who has had a hard road to the Olympics, meets an arrogant bobsledder who has his sights on medalling. ♔ / ☼ Barree’s Blades by Patrizia Murray // Adult ⋆ Contemporary.

An Inconvenient Wife by Katy Madison An Inconvenient Wife by Katy Madison

Note: As I haven’t read all of the books listed, I’ve denoted these books based on what I’ve found through reviews or personally know from reading certain ones. If any of the books I’ve listed qualify for any of the symbols above and I missed them, please tell me and I’ll add it! I also specify whether a book is M/F, M/M or F/F. ♢ – Books with Main Character(s) of Color or Native Main Characters ☆ – Books written by Women of Color ( WOC in Romance was a great resource for finding these) ☼ – Books in which both Main Characters are Athletes There are two new symbols I added just for this post, so those of you who’ve been following my master lists ( STEM Heroines, Athlete Heroines) will find things a little different. Enjoy~Īs this is a master list, I haven’t read every book on the list. That being said, I’ve denoted books with the symbols below to hopefully help you find the book you’re looking for. Here’s to the Olympics & the hope that VirtueMoir confirms that they’re secretly married 🥂 ⛸️. There are 80+ books on the list including New Adult and Adult Romances. Under those sections are subsections for each sport featured. The Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics are sectioned off, so you can find which setting better fits your mood. This list includes Romances that take place during, immediately after, and leading up to the Winter AND Summer Olympics. As I’m very much in the Olympic spirit and love making lists, I couldn’t resist. Welcome to the Olympic Romance Master List!!! 🥌 🏂 ⚽ 🏊 🏒 🎿 Tamsen Parker commented that someone should make a comprehensive list of Olympic Romances.

An Inconvenient Wife by Katy Madison